Daily Post?

9 Jan


I am overcome with sadness annoyance at the new WordPress initiative, The Daily Post. It seems to advocate a noble sentiment: keeping your blog and your readers happy and satisisfied with a post a day.


I thought writing blog posts were something you did when the mood took you, or when you felt you had an unquashable need to pollute the internet with your incessant ramblings. Or maybe that last one’s just me.  Anyhow, I thought that blogging was supposed to be fun. I suppose that if you blog for work, or for a living, it is  maybe necessary to write a post a day. But somehow, I feel that WordPress are being almost militant about the whole thing.

A noble cause it may be (advocating stamina, strength of mind and creativity, as much as it pains me to admit it), but I find that feels too much like hard work.* Especially when the thing I’m putting so much effort into is something I started for fun.

And you know what happens when you put too much work into something, don’t you? You go from liking it to despising it. You start off utterly committed, but end up sick of the sight of whatever you’re trying so hard at. I don’t really want to post my blog to corruption, because I happen to really like blogging. And I don’t really want to not like doing it.**

Another thing that annoys me about The Daily Post is that it basically does the same thing as the fantastic Plinky Prompts.

Hark, an example. 

Oh, and one more point: if I did indeed write a post a day, I would become a slave to the laptop, my fingers prematurely arthritic and swollen. You would all run, screaming: ‘no more, posts, Josie! No more!’

Which is a lose-lose situation for both of us.

*Wow, I sound lazy here. But then, I am. Take that, WordPress. Hurrah for lazy bloggers!


4 Responses to “Daily Post?”

  1. Allegra January 10, 2011 at 1:05 am #

    When I first started blogging, I was laboring under the same delusion WordPress is attempting to put into our innnocent blogger minds: it’s neccessary to post EVERY SINGLE DAY, otherwise, you’ll lose readership. “All or nothing” was my mantra. Ha, nice try. I agree with you– if your blog is for fun, why make a military excercise out of it? Blogs flooded with half-developed, pointless posts just for the sake of posting daily are, in my opinion, a heck of a lot less enjoyable than those with carefully crafted, if less frequent, postings. Not that I’m bragging that my blog is “enjoyable” with “carefully crafted” posts. Or am I? Oh, well.

    • EricDoesNotExist January 10, 2011 at 9:30 pm #

      Well yes, it seems that you are. But, no matter. Modesty is for ameteurs. 😉

  2. foodest January 24, 2011 at 6:47 am #

    No more, posts, Josie! No more!

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