Tag Archives: sorry

Grovel, Grovel

12 Nov

This post is for Keely, who I mentioned a couple-a times. Mostly in conjunction with Ninja Face.

This post is a grovelly-apology post, it pains me to tell you. So, due to shockingly bow-ily, scrape-ily, forelock-tug-ily, inside-joke-packed-ily bad writing, I tell you with as much good grace as I can muster: if you’re not interested, you may Clear Orf. 

I give you my permission.


Go now.


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25 Jun

” An apology? Bah! Disgusting! Cowardly! Beneath the dignity of any gentleman (or gentlewoman!– ED), however wrong he might be.” Steve Martin


I apologise for my short-ish hiatus. I have two reasons for it*.

  1. I couldn’t kick my sister off the computer (she seems to be superglued to it).
  2. I was extremely busy.
  3. I had the dreaded, the horrible, the mortifyingly intimidating, the end-of-year exams to worry about. And I was too stressed out to speak in coherent sentences.

Oops, that’s three. But you get my point here, no?

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10 Jun

I am officially a sad, sad person.

(Not sad as in desolate, depressed, suicidal, etc., but sad as in an ‘I’ve-just-realised-im-a-useless-weirdo kinda way. )


But at the same time, I am happy!


Why? Because the day before yesterday I got 42 views on my blog.

42! Count ’em!

I know you won’t but that’s not the point. The point is that I usually got less than a quarter of that on average, mostly less. It was very gratifying that some of you are actually reading my posts instead of them just hanging in cyber space…

Washing line

...much like the socks depicted above.

So, yay, thank you! to show my gratitude…


1901- Phoenix


5 Jun
Black moose silhouette

Nothing to do with mooses, moosen, meece... these things, or whatever.

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