Tag Archives: frustration

Self Like-age

2 Oct

I like this comic. But do I 'Like' it?

Okay, Mr WordPress. Answer me this.

WHY let people ‘Like’ their own posts? Just… why?

Me and my crazy, jerky, tired, decrepit mouse just can’t cope. And when my crazy, jerky, tired, decrepit mouse gets really annoyed with life and goes on the rampage, it does its own thing. It runs and gambols around my computer screen like a new-born lamb or an 80-year-old on acid. It is TOTALLY UNCONTROLLABLE.

So there is nothing to stop it from defying the laws of nature and ‘like’-ing a post that it itself helped create.

WordPress, for the sake of my sanity, I implore you! Do a weeny bit of extra coding– it won’t be too much stress, I promise– and GET THE LIKE BUTTON TAKEN OFF OF ALL MY POSTS.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

On Pants and the English Language

27 Jun

Quote of the day:

“I refute you!”                                                                                                                                       Josie Carter

Use this one in an argument. It really works. No one knows quite what to say, so they just dissolve, especially if said in a Simba from The Lion King manner. Another that really works is “Do not mock me, for my words are a matter of pride!

DISCLAIMER: I am about to offend anyone on here who speaks American English. If you indeed do speak American English and are reading this, my advice would be to stop reading. Now. Okay, I put this up. Continue at your own peril!

Continue reading


10 May

I do give up. After at least an hour’s worth of attempts to make my blog look kind of nice, everything disappeared.


10 on the Yui-ometer. Complete shocked stunned-ness. Totally uncomprehending.


I think I just died.